About Me
I’m Chenze.
Helping you be the person you want to be!

A highly skilled, empathic qualified BACP registered Person-Centred Counsellor/Psychotherapist. With 23 years of committed, conscientious and dedicated experience in providing exceptional support and building positive rapport with children and adolescents who are experiencing emotional and behavioural difficulties.
I have a demonstrable track record of successfully setting up and running projects working with diverse client populations in one-to-one and group settings. I have been Instrumental in helping to set up inclusion projects across cluster schools and defining roles and responsibilities from scratch in both Bedfordshire and Derbyshire.
I have liaised and established the needs of each individual school, Implemented new policies, processes and procedures in accordance with government directives and re-evaluated and set up new referral pathways.
I Work directly with children and young people referred by schools and external agencies who are displaying emotional distress to provide a variety of interventions.
I have Established contact across schools to provide information concerning the Counselling service and undertaking regular meetings with key staff to discuss a child’s needs and negotiate practical ways of working.
I have designed and delivered training workshops for Children and young people’s Universal services; teaching staff/support staff, nurses, health Visitors, external agencies, Community team workers, GP’s. Also delivered mental health training ‘an introduction to Child and Adolescent Mental Health’ workshops (Everybody’s business’ commissioned by the NHS)
I have worked with Health, Education, Social Services and the voluntary sector to strengthen mental health services for children and adolescents at primary level. Provided mental health screening and assessment within CAMHS and the community. Provided consultation: through joint enquiry and exploration of young people and their families. Provided information, guidance and advice for young people and, workers and parents on a range of common mental health issues. Provided children and young people with 1:1 Counselling support and therapeutic group work. Instrumental in setting up a therapeutic play pathway within Tier 3 for the NHS.
My approach...

I will not ‘tell you what to do or how to do things’, in the session I will listen carefully to what a young person says to enable a shared understanding of the difficulties and how together I can best support their needs, exploring and developing different coping skills and to acquire a deeper level of self understanding.

Skills and Competencies
Child and Adolescents Mental Health Counsellor / Psychotherapist
Targeted Mental Health in schools project leader
Therapeutic Group work Leader/ Self Harm group facilitator
Implement models of early intervention and targeted mental health within a school setting.
Direct services to children, providing one to one theraputic intervention and therapeutic group work.
Primary Mental Health Worker
Developed innovative models for bringing mental health expertise into schools.
Communicate empathically with children, young people of all ages and families of varying social groups.
Deliver Mental Health Training
Provided training in child and adolescent mental health issues to primary care professionals to promote the positive mental health of children and young people.
Produced a Peer Mentoring training program and delivered and implemented it within a high school.